114,562 words
by: thuspring
(AU-Escorts, Romance, Angst, Past Abuse, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Prostitution, Minor Character Death, Aged-Up Character, Pining, Hurt, Comfort ๐Ÿ”ž)
Another fic that will stay with you for a long time...this was lovely, sexy and angsty at the same time.. I love how JK was willing to give Tae his everything and didn't even think twice to help him..They really are made for each other..
"I helped you because I wanted you to be free. I wanted you to have a chance at a normal life. Plenty of people would do that. But I was being selfish. Of course I wanted you to myself - I wanted you to stay. I never wanted you to leave.โ€

28,684 words
by: nikkumeul
(AU-Porn, Filming ๐Ÿ”ž)
This.was.freakin.spicccyyyyy!!! HAHA! OMG... Get a fan, ice or something before you read this haha... but damn the connection between taekook is on a different level.. and I love how their love for each other is greater than their love for what they do for a living...they are willing to sacrifice everything for their love...huhu..
"He means so much to me that, as long as he comes home to me at the end of the day and cherishes me the way I do him, that's enough,That's how I can love him right now, so that's it."

49,989 words
by: TwentyThreeThirteen
(AU- College/University, Humor, Attempt at Humor, Fluff, Light Angst, Minor Character Death)
Ahh this was too cute and lovely!!! The way taekook met and fell in love huhu..they are really destined to be together.. the plot and how the characters were portrayed are chef's kiss!!With right amount of fluff, humor and angst..seriously I cried fat ugly tears when they got into a fight...Guk was the sweetest..I love it so much especially with the way the writer write with words..smooth and silky like a poetry..Please give it more love!
"I don't care who was in your past. I don't care what memories, painful or not, you share with that person, because I want to create a thousand memories with you, Tae"

72,522 words
by: JKDoYouLoveMe
(AU- College/University, Chatting & Messaging, Chatlogs, Crack, Fluff, Angst, Idol, Fanboy, Secret Relationship ๐Ÿ”ž)
Geezz..that was a wild ride..haha..I love how their relationship progressed and how both of them are giving their all to make their relationship work..but Guk introducing himself as Jon got me cackling HAHA...
"But I've learnt from being with you that when you want something, when you really want something, there's no such thing as losing it. Because you keep fighting for it with everything you have. You don't let go of anything."

30,691 words
by: missfortune (potentialfordisaster)
(Married Couple, Implied Cheating/Infidelity, Psychological Drama, Mental Instability, Extreme Jealousy, Obsession, Taekook endgame)
I HAVE NO WORDS AND DEFINITELY I'M NOT OK..HAHA!!! This was such an unforgettable story!!! The plot and the pacing of the was like I'm watching a movie and can slowly see the story unfolds right through my eyes.. Just's totally mindblowing how good this fic was..I don't want to spoil it but

32,559 words
by: taepanoui (mikrotaekook)
(AU-Historical, War, Post-War, Angst, Blood and Injury, Spoiler: incorrectly assumed death, Happy Ending ๐Ÿ”ž)
OMG the amount of tears I cried in this heart hurts so much but this was so gorgeously was beautifully written that you feel all the emotions of the heart aches for Tae..but i'm glad they found each other again..

18,932 words
by: aeterisks
(AU-Historical, Prince, Slice of life ๐Ÿ”ž)
Yet another beautiful story from one of my fave writers...this was simple yet so touching...the plot and characterization was brilliant..
โ€œBecause I am madly in love with you,Youโ€™re the first thought of all of my mornings and the last thought of all my nights. Every breath I take tastes of you, and leaving you behind would be leaving my own heart behind. I love you, Taehyung. And I donโ€™t want to lose you.โ€

64,098 words
by: vestals
(Cheating, Dogs, Dog trainer, Angst and Fluff, Webcam/Video Chat, Angst, Lingerie ๐Ÿ”ž)
WOW this was on a different level...I know there are readers who don't like reading fics when cheating is being tagged but I'm telling you now that you're missing out...I'm not patronizing nor saying that it's ok to cheat but give fics like this a benefit of a doubt... this was freakin awesome!!! The plot, characterization and the pacing was so good..I love everything about this!! Please read this baby and give it more love!!!

10,956 words
by: taleofatub
(Rich Playboy, Secretary, Misunderstandings)
Ahh..JK as Fuck boy then tae came along that changes everything..this was so good...we love to see Jeon Jungkook being jealous and petty as fuck HAHA...
โ€œI love you,Youโ€™re the only one who will watch anime with me and not laugh at me when I cry.โ€

16,885 words
by: dolceboms
(Fluff, No Angst, Mutual Pining, Getting to Know Each Other ๐Ÿ”ž)
This was so cute and adorable!!! I like the way their love story progressed..just the right amount of time for them to get to know each other...they are both whipped!!I love them so much..
"You're not as fragile as you think you are, Tae."

36,847 words
by: Chimsin
(Boss/Employee Relationship, Fluff๐Ÿ”ž)
Ahh...this plot was really different.. with right amount of fluff and smut..and omg.. Yoongi was so selfless...I'm just glad that all of them are now happy and got their own happy ending..

39,488 words
by: nunakookv
(AU- 19th Century, Prince, Servant, Horse farmer, Fluff, Light Angst, Pining, Romance, Drama ๐Ÿ”ž)
This was so poetic and beautifully written..I feel like every word has been chosen carefully..especially with the way the dialogues were was heart warming to see such connection between all of the characters..even more so with Taekook with how their infatuation and love grew overtime.. Amazing plot, like no other..Please give this fic more love!!A masterpiece indeed!!
"No one has ever stirred my soul as you do, Taehyung. For this, among many other reasons, I admire and love you."

26,292 words
by: tearhrs
(Travel, Greece, Art Student, Rich Son, Pool Sex, Bucket List ๐Ÿ”ž)
OMG..Santorini my LOVE..I'm so in love with this fic.. I've been to Santorini once and it gave me that nostalgic feeling with the way the writer described it in their writing especially the sunset's like I'm watching a movie through my eyes while I'm reading this..Such a nice place to fall in love with a stranger in a place like this..
"The answer heโ€™s been searching for all this time has already been staring back at him all alongโ€”with a mesmerizing smile on his face and a look that makes Taehyung a believer of certainty in the unknown."

24,600 words
by: taepanoui (mikrotaekook)
(Writer, Writer's retreat, Fluff, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Travel, Isle of Skye ๐Ÿ”ž)
I love traveling and this fic made me feel like I'm with them exploring the Isle of Skye.. I loooovveee this fic so much..the way they met and their love story progressed.. and omg the angst.. I cried so much near the end... And omg the way Tae wrote that caption in his book...ahhh.. I'm in love...
"Memory is a fickle thing - each time you remember something, you're not remembering it at all. You're remembering the last time you remembered it, and you have no way of knowing how it's been distorted each time."

Please feel free to contact me if you have any recommendations or questions.

( Made with Carrd )